5/31: AP Lang

Students will research songs and poems by dissecting them for abstract meaning.

- Continue working on Culminating Project
- Song check (is your song too literal?)
- Practice literal to abstract analysis:

Read/watch these poems and discuss literal/figurative elements:
"How Falling in Love is like Owning a Dog" and video
"Shake the Dust" and video
"If I Should have a Daughter" and video

- Culminating Project due Friday, June 3
- Samples: Brochure TemplateBrochure Polished

5/31: Honors English 10

Students will start drafting 10.4.4. by working on their story.

- Warm-up: Grab a Chromebook
- Create a Google Doc and share with me, Kunal.Arora@mcpsmd.net
- Finish Narrative Pre-Writing Sheet
- Move onto drafting!

- Narrative Rubric
- Turn in Frankenstein novels

- Finish narrative (2 pages MAX) by Friday, June 3

5/31: Lit as Film

Students will summarize class experiences by making LaF posters.

- Midnight in Paris (2011)
- LaF Posters

- None

5/30: All

No school today because of Memorial Day.

5/27: AP Lang

Students will research songs and poems by dissecting them for abstract meaning.

- SGA Voting
- Continue working on Culminating Project
- Song check (is your song too literal?)
- Practice literal to abstract analysis:

Read/watch these poems and discuss literal/figurative elements:
"How Falling in Love is like Owning a Dog" and video
"Shake the Dust" and video
"If I Should have a Daughter" and video

- Culminating Project due Friday, June 3
- Samples: Brochure Template, Brochure Polished

5/27: Lit as Film

Students will discuss and begin work on underclassmen final projects.

- Underclassmen Presentations (Final Projects due today!)
- Next movie?

- None

5/27: Honors English 10

Students will start drafting 10.4.4. by working on their story.

- SGA Voting
- Finish Narrative Pre-Writing Sheet
- Move onto drafting!

- Narrative Rubric
- Turn in Frankenstein novels

- Finish narrative (2 pages MAX) by Friday, June 3

5/26: Honors English 10

Students will prepare for CT. 10.4.4. by completing pre-writing

Finish Narrative Pre-Writing Sheet

- Narrative Rubric
- Turn in Frankenstein novels

- Begin writing narrative

5/26: Lit as Film

Students will discuss and begin work on underclassmen final projects.

- Underclassmen Presentations
- Annie Hall (1977)

- Final Projects due Friday

5/26: AP Lang

Students will compile evidence/arguments by listening to speeches.

- Remaining Presentations
- Preview Culminating Project
- Practice literal to abstract analysis:

Read/watch these poems and discuss literal/figurative elements:
- "How Falling in Love is like Owning a Dog" and video
- "Shake the Dust" and video
- "If I Should have a Daughter" and video

- Culminating Project

5/25: Lit as Film

Students will discuss and begin work on underclassmen final projects.

- Underclassmen Presentations
- Annie Hall (1977)

- Final Projects due Friday

5/25: AP Lang

Students will compile evidence/arguments by listening to speeches.

- Presentations
- With any time remaining, preview culminating project
- Turn in Daily Audience Sheets

- Note: You don't have to make a PPT, but if you do, keep it short and simple
- Share it with me -- Kunal.Arora@mcpsmd.net
- Buy The Kite Runner by June 1 (used editions are cheap and available online)

Packet & Rubric

5/25: Honors English 10

Students will review the requirements of CT. 10.4.4. by interacting with slideshow and task.

- Warm-up: Study Vocab 5 Roots
- Quiz on Vocab 5 Roots
- Begin 10.4.4. (Narrative, 2 pages MAX, due 6/2):
- Slideshow PPT
- Capture Sheet Notes

- Narrative Rubric
- Turn in Frankenstein novels

- Work on Narrative Pre-Writing Sheet

5/24: AP Lang

Students will compile evidence/arguments by listening to speeches.

- Presentations
- With any time remaining, work on packet/speeches

- Note: You don't have to make a PPT, but if you do, keep it short and simple
- Share it with me -- Kunal.Arora@mcpsmd.net
- Buy The Kite Runner by June 1 (used editions are cheap and available online)

Packet & Rubric

5/24: Lit as Film

Students will discuss and begin work on underclassmen final projects.

- House Cleaning
- Annie Hall (1977)

- Final Projects due Friday

5/24: Honors English 10

No class today because of HSA testing.

Remember to study all of Unit 5 Vocab Roots!

5/23: AP Lang

No class today (except for Period 4) because of HSA testing.

Continue working on your speech if you have not presented yet!

5/23: Lit as Film

No class today because of HSA testing.

Please make sure you've shared your final project with me:

5/23: Honors English 10

Students will compare the events from the novel with a different interpretation of the story.

- Warm-up (Return desks to table groups)
- Continue working on 10.4.3
- Share with Kunal.Arora@mcpsmd.net by 11:59pm TONIGHT
- Vocab Roots Quiz on ALL of Unit 5 on Wednesday

5/20: Lit as Film

No class today because of PARCC testing.

Please make sure you've shared your final project with me:

5/20: AP Lang

No class today because of PARCC testing.

Continue working on your speech if you have not presented yet!

5/20: Honors English 10

SWBAT revise their draft by completing a peer review

- Peer review essay if you have not done so already
- Continue working on 10.4.3
- Due by Monday night, share with kunal.Arora@mcpsmd.net

5/19: AP Lang

Students will compile evidence/arguments by listening to speeches.

- Presentations
- With any time remaining, work on packet/speeches

- Note: You don't have to make a PPT, but if you do, keep it short and simple
- Share it with me -- Kunal.Arora@mcpsmd.net
- Buy The Kite Runner by June 1 (used editions are cheap and available online)

Packet & Rubric

5/19: Lit as Film

Students will demonstrate their understanding of course concepts by working on a final project.

- Check Edline
- Google Classroom Assignment (do this ASAP if still not done!)
- Work on Final Project (share with Kunal.Arora@mcpsmd.net)
- Arora will pass out rubrics specific for each project
- Project due dates

- Seniors must finish on or before 5/19
- Going today: Max, Alex B., Olivia
* You are encouraged to present/finish early.  All must be done by Thursday!

- Work on Final Project

5/19: Honors English 10

No class today because of PARCC testing.

- Continue working on 10.4.3!
- Finished essays due by Monday 11:59pm; share with Kunal.Arora@mcpsmd.net
- Peer edit each other (with can comment, NOT can edit)

5/18: Honors English 10

Students will prepare for 10.4.3 by analyzing articles.

- Warm-up: Walk to 241 (the yearbook room)
- Preview PARCC
- Revision Checklist

- Turn in Timeline, EQ Boxes, Bookmark (late)
Review 10.4.3 Task Sheet for Frankenstein
- Text for A: "The Traits that Make Human Being Unique"
- Text for B: â€śThe Wrong Box: Our Prisons’ Use of Solitary Confinement is Inhumane”
- Text for C: â€śThe Anatomy of Violence”
- Text for D: Model for 10.4.3
- Finish outline (late)
- Finish essays by Monday 11:59pm; share with Kunal.Arora@mcpsmd.net
Peer edit each other (with can comment, NOT can edit)

5/18: Lit as Film

Students will demonstrate their understanding of course concepts by working on a final project.

- Check Edline
- Google Classroom Assignment (do this ASAP if still not done!)
- Work on Final Project (share with Kunal.Arora@mcpsmd.net)
- Arora will pass out rubrics specific for each project

- Project due dates
- Seniors must finish on or before 5/19
- Going today: Cameron, Nate, Shayne, Sean, Abdul
- Going tomorrow: Max, Alex B., Carson, Helen, Olivia
* You are encouraged to present/finish early.  All must be done by Friday!

- Work on Final Project

5/18: AP Lang

Students will compile evidence/arguments by listening to speeches.

- Presentations
- With any time remaining, work on packet/speeches

- Note: You don't have to make a PPT, but if you do, keep it short and simple
- Share it with me -- Kunal.Arora@mcpsmd.net
- Buy The Kite Runner by June 1 (used editions are cheap and available online)

Packet & Rubric

5/17: AP Lang

Students will prepare for speeches by producing the Last Lecture packet materials.

  1. Check/Discuss Brainstorm & Topic Approval (if needed)
  2. Research (on your own device) & Rationale
  3. Outline of Speech
  4. Script of Speech
- Note: You don't have to make a PPT, but if you do, keep it short and simple
- Share it with me -- Kunal.Arora@mcpsmd.net
- Obtain a copy of The Kite Runner by June 1 (it's $5 used)

- Prep. Presentation / Sign-ups (in-class)
Packet & Rubric

5/17: Lit as Film

Students will demonstrate their understanding of course concepts by working on a final project.

- Check Edline
- Google Classroom Assignment (do this ASAP if still not done!)
- Work on Final Project (share with Kunal.Arora@mcpsmd.net)
- Arora will pass out rubrics specific for each project

- Project due dates
- Seniors must finish on or before 5/19
- Going today: Cameron, Tony, Emily, Ryan, Alison, LeRoy
- Going tomorrow: Jazmin, Ben, Nate, Shayne, Sean
- Going Thursday: Max, Alex B., Carson, Helen, Olivia

* You are encouraged to present/finish early.  All must be done by Friday!

- Work on Final Project

5/17: Honors English 10

Students will prepare for 10.4.3 by analyzing articles.

- Warm-up: Walk to 241 (the yearbook room)
- Turn in Timeline, EQ Boxes, Bookmark (late)
Review 10.4.3 Task Sheet for Frankenstein
- Text for A: "The Traits that Make Human Being Unique"
- Text for B: â€śThe Wrong Box: Our Prisons’ Use of Solitary Confinement is Inhumane”
- Text for C: â€śThe Anatomy of Violence”
- Text for D: Model for 10.4.3
- Finish outline (late)
- Finish essays by Monday 11:59pm; share with Kunal.Arora@mcpsmd.net
- Peer edit each other (with can comment, NOT can edit)

- Finish 10.4.3. essay by Monday night
- Share with me: Kunal.Arora@mcpsmd.net

5/16: Honors English 10

Students will prepare for 10.4.3 by analyzing articles.

- Warm-up: Walk to 241 (the yearbook room)
- Turn in Timeline, EQ Boxes, Bookmark (late)
- Review 10.4.3 Task Sheet for Frankenstein
- Text for A: "The Traits that Make Human Being Unique"
- Text for B: “The Wrong Box: Our Prisons’ Use of Solitary Confinement is Inhumane”
- Text for C: “The Anatomy of Violence”
- Text for D: Model for 10.4.3
- Finish outline (late)
- Finish essays by tomorrow 11:59pm; share with Kunal.Arora@mcpsmd.net

- Finish 10.4.3. essay by tomorrow night.
- Share with me: Kunal.Arora@mcpsmd.net

5/16: Lit as Film

Students will demonstrate their understanding of course concepts by working on a final project.

- Google Classroom Assignment (do this ASAP if still not done!)
- Work on Final Project (share with Kunal.Arora@mcpsmd.net)
- Arora will pass out rubrics specific for each project

- Project due dates
- Due Today: JP, Emily, Ryan, John, Cameron, Kyle, Eisley
- Due tomorrow: Tony, Jack, Ian, Alison, LeRoy
- Due Wednesday: Jazmin, Ben, Nate, Shayne, Abdul
- Due Thursday: Max, Emma, Alex B., Carson, Helen, Olivia

* You are encouraged to present/finish early.  All must be done by Thursday!

- Work on Final Project

5/16: AP Lang

Students will prepare for speeches by producing the Last Lecture packet materials.

- Warm-up: Turn in The Last Lecture questions (started on Friday)
- Check/Discuss Brainstorm & Topic Approval
- Research (on your own device) & Rationale
- Outline of Speech
- Script of Speech

- Note: You don't have to make a PPT, if you do, share it with me:
- Kunal.Arora@mcpsmd.net

- Prep. Presentation / Sign-ups (in-class)
- Packet & Rubric

5/13: Lit as Film

Students will demonstrate their understanding of course concepts by working on a final project.

- Google Classroom Assignment (do this ASAP if still not done!)
- Work on Final Project (share with Kunal.Arora@mcpsmd.net)
- Arora will pass out rubrics specific for each project
- Project due dates
- Presentations!

- Work on Final Project

5/13: AP Lang

Students will reflect on the AP Test and preview future lesson plans.

- Discussion: How'd it go?  What did you think?  Did you feel prepared? Unprepared?
- Is there anything you wish we had covered more thoroughly?  
- Write a one-page letter, advising future Arora AP Lang students (if absent)
- Work on "The Last Lecture" brainstorm and questions

5/13: Honors English 10

SWBAT prepare for 10.4.3. by analyzing articles

- Turn in Timeline, EQ Boxes, Bookmark (late)
- Text for A: "The Traits that Make Human Being Unique"
- Text for B: â€śThe Wrong Box: Our Prisons’ Use of Solitary Confinement is Inhumane”
- Text for C: â€śThe Anatomy of Violence”
- Text for D: Model for 10.4.3
- Finish outline (late)
- Begin rough drafts

- Finish 10.4.3. essay by Monday night.
- Share with me: Kunal.Arora@mcpsmd.net

5/12: AP Lang

Students will reflect on the AP Test by writing a letter to future students.

- Discussion:
- How'd it go?  What did you think?  Did you feel prepared? Unprepared?
- Is there anything you wish we had covered more thoroughly?  
- Write a letter to future AP Lang students, indicating what they should know next fall.

5/12: Lit as Film

Students will demonstrate their understanding of course concepts by working on a final project.

- Google Classroom Assignment (do this ASAP if still not done!)
- Work on Final Project
- Arora will pass out rubrics specific for each project
- Project due dates
- Surprise!

- Work on Final Project

5/12: Honors English 10

SWBAT review the requirements of their CT by discussing 10.4.3.

- Turn in Timeline, EQ Boxes, Bookmark
- Text for A: "The Traits that Make Human Being Unique"
- Text for B: “The Wrong Box: Our Prisons’ Use of Solitary Confinement is Inhumane”
- Text for C: “The Anatomy of Violence”

- Complete outline
- Late Frankenstein reading materials
- Article-based discussion tomorrow (and begin rough drafts)

5/11: Lit as Film

Students will demonstrate their understanding of course concepts by working on a final project.

- Google Classroom Assignment (do this ASAP if still not done!)
- Work on Final Project
- Arora will pass out rubrics specific for each project
- Project due dates

- Work on Final Project

5/11: AP Lang

Today is the AP Lang Test! Good luck!

5/11: Honors English 10

Students will demonstrate their understanding of vocab roots and the text by taking quizzes.

- Vocab Roots Quiz (1-12)
- Frankenstein Reading Check

- Finish the book, bookmark, timeline, EQ boxes (all due tomorrow, 5/12)

5/10: Lit as Film

Students will read and recognize the conventions of screenwriting.

- Chromebooks/Google Classroom: Script Formatting Analysis
- The late deadline is tonight (don't be late!)
- Decide on your final project

- Finish the Script Formatting Analysis (if not already done)
- Check Edline!

5/10: AP Lang

Students will review test taking strategies and practice AP skills.

The Final Countdown (Trivia / Exam Review)
- Posters!

- Extra MC Practice
- I'll send an answer key via Remind

AP Lang Snack Sign-up (Forward this link to parents/guardians)!
http://tinyurl.com/jebe2fz ^
- Bring in snack item(s) by May 9 to Room 232
- AP Language & Composition Test (Wednesday, May 11 at 7:15am)
- Last names A-Ma report to Auditorium
- Last names Mb-Z report to Main Gym
- Must bring into testing room: pencils, pens, AP student packs, sweatshirt (layers)
- Cannot bring into testing room: backpacks or bags of any kid, electronic devices of any kind, books of any kind, computers/calculators of any kind, watches that beep or have an alarm, food/drink

5/10: Honors English 10

Students will prepare for the end of the novel by developing their thoughts.

- Time to work on Krampus reading & materials
- EQ Boxes: keep citations short and simple or paraphrase
- Suggested Passages:
- The creation of the Krampus (42-44)
- The Krampus pleads his case (84-90)
- The Krampus learns language (91-96)
- The Krampus has an identity crisis (97-102)
- The Krampus' request (124-128)

- Finish the book, bookmark, timeline, EQ boxes (all due Thursday, 5/12)
- Two quizzes on tomorrow: reading check and 1-12 Vocab Roots

5/9: AP Lang

Students will review test taking strategies and practice AP skills.

- Real Talk
- The Final Countdown (Trivia / Exam Review)

- Extra MC Practice
- I'll send an answer key via Remind

- AP Lang Snack Sign-up (Forward this link to parents/guardians)!
- http://tinyurl.com/jebe2fz ^
- Bring in snack item(s) by May 9 to Room 232
- AP Language & Composition Test (Wednesday, May 11 at 7:15am)
- Last names A-Ma report to Auditorium
- Last names Mb-Z report to Main Gym
- Must bring into testing room: pencils, pens, AP student packs, sweatshirt (layers)
- Cannot bring into testing room: backpacks or bags of any kid, electronic devices of any kind, books of any kind, computers/calculators of any kind, watches that beep or have an alarm, food/drink

5/9: Lit as Film

Students will read and recognize the conventions of screenwriting.

- Chromebooks/Google Classroom: Script Formatting Analysis
- Due tonight!
- The late deadline is Tuesday!

- Finish the Script Formatting Analysis by Monday night!
- Check Edline!

5/9: Honors English 10

Students will discuss events in the novel by focusing on particular passages.

- Warm-up: Finish Vocab Unit 5
- Time to work on Krampus reading & materials
- EQ Boxes: keep citations short and simple or paraphrase
- Suggested Passages:
- The creation of the Krampus (42-44)
- The Krampus pleads his case (84-90)
- The Krampus learns language (91-96)
- The Krampus has an identity crisis (97-102)
- The Krampus' request (124-128)

- Finish the book, bookmark, timeline, EQ boxes (all due Thursday, 5/12)
- Two quizzes on Wednesday: reading check and 1-12 Vocab Roots

5/6: AP Lang

Students will review test taking strategies and practice AP skills.

- Complete yesterday's worksheet (if absent or late)
- Compile a list of tips for each phase of the test: Multiple Choice, Synthesis Essay, Rhetorical Analysis Essay, Argument Essay

- MC Practice
- Essay Prompt Practice

AP Lang Snack Sign-up (Forward this link to parents/guardians)!
http://tinyurl.com/jebe2fz ^
- Bring in snack item(s) by May 9 to Room 232
- AP Language & Composition Test (Wednesday, May 11 at 7:15am)
- Last names A-Ma report to Auditorium
- Last names Mb-Z report to Main Gym
- Must bring into testing room: pencils, pens, AP student packs, sweatshirt (layers)
- Cannot bring into testing room: backpacks or bags of any kid, electronic devices of any kind, books of any kind, computers/calculators of any kind, watches that beep or have an alarm, food/drink

5/6: Lit as Film

Students will read and recognize the conventions of screenwriting.

- Chromebooks/Google Classroom: Script Formatting Analysis due 5/9 at 11:59pm.
- The late deadline is Tuesday night.

- Finish the Script Formatting Analysis by Monday night!

5/6: Honors English 10

Students will successfully complete a Socratic Seminar by discussing key aspects in the novel.

- Warm-up: Vote off
- Seminar
- Time to work on Frankenstein reading & materials:

- Suggested Passages for EQ Boxes:
- The creation of the Krampus (42-44)
- The Krampus pleads his case (84-90)
- The Krampus learns language (91-96)
- The Krampus has an identity crisis (97-102)
- The Krampus' request  (124-128)

- Read up through Ch. 20 by Monday, 5/9 (p. 152)
- Continue working on bookmark, timeline, EQ boxes (all due 5/12)
- Check Edline, turn in late assignments ASAP

5/5: Lit as Film

Students will read and recognize the conventions of screenwriting.

- Finish Captain Phillips (2013)
- Read For a Few Days More by April Rider
- Read Grady's Tale by Masha Simon then discuss:
Which script is better?  Why?  Which rules are broken?  What's confusing?
- Read the first two pages of Lethal Weapon by Shane Black then discuss:
Which rules are broken?  How does Black establish a sense of place?

- Check Edline!

5/5: AP Lang

Students will review thesis statements, explanations and embedding quotations.

- Review sheet:
- Examine student sample & attribute words/ideas correctly
- 2015 AP Lang Writing Prompts for practice

- Turn in Late Work ASAP
- Check Edline

AP Lang Snack Sign-up (Forward this link to parents/guardians)!
http://tinyurl.com/jebe2fz ^
- Bring in snack item(s) by May 9 to Room 232
- AP Language & Composition Test (Wednesday, May 11 at 7:15am)
- Last names A-Mi report to Auditorium
- Last names Mj-Z report to Main Gym
- Must bring into testing room: pencils, pens, AP student packs, sweatshirt (layers)
- Cannot bring into testing room: backpacks or bags of any kid, electronic devices of any kind, books of any kind, computers/calculators of any kind, watches that beep or have an alarm, food/drink

5/5: Honors English 10

Students will prepare for tomorrow's seminar by analyzing focus passages.

- Seminar Prep

- Suggested Passages for EQ Boxes:
- The creation of the monster (42-44)
- The creature pleads his case (84-90)
- The monster learns language (91-96)
- The creature has an identity crisis (97-102)
- The monster's request  (124-128)

- Monster Naming Party --Is he a monster? Does he deserve a name?

- Read up through Ch. 20 by Monday, 5/9 (p. 152)
- Continue working on bookmark, timeline, EQ boxes (due 5/12)
- Check Edline, turn in late assignments ASAP

5/4: AP Lang

Students will discover and discuss test-taking strategies.

- See Mr. Arora if you still need to do the college cost synthesis essay.
- 4 school days left until the AP exam!
- Practice 15 minutes annotating/reading/planning
- Take stock
- Multiple choice practice

- Check MC Answers
- Turn in Late Work ASAP
- Check Edline

AP Lang Snack Sign-up (Forward this link to parents/guardians)!
http://tinyurl.com/jebe2fz ^
- Bring in snack item(s) by May 9 to Room 232
- AP Language & Composition Test (Wednesday, May 11 at 7:15am)
- Last names A-Mi report to Auditorium
- Last names Mj-Z report to Main Gym
- Must bring into testing room: pencils, pens, AP student packs, sweatshirt (layers)
- Cannot bring into testing room: backpacks or bags of any kid, electronic devices of any kind, books of any kind, computers/calculators of any kind, watches that beep or have an alarm, food/drink

5/4: Honors English 10

Students will utilize Maslow's hierarchy of needs by hypothesizing reasons for his identity crisis

- Warm-up: Vocab 5: 9-12
- Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs -- Where is the creature stuck?
- Update Timeline

- Read up through Ch. 17 (p. 124)
Continue working on bookmark, timeline, EQ boxes (all will be collected 5/12)
- Check Edline

5/4: Lit as Film

Students will describe and discuss how films create suspense.

- Watch the third 30 minutes of Captain Phillips (2013)
- Exit card (if absent or not completed yet)
How do the filmmakers generate and sustain suspense?

- Check Edline!

5/3: Lit as Film

Students will describe and discuss how films create suspense.

- Watch the second 30 minutes of Captain Phillips (2013)
- Exit card (if absent yesterday)
How do the filmmakers generate and sustain suspense?

- Check Edline!

5/3: AP Lang

Students will discover and discuss test-taking strategies.

- See Mr. Arora if you still need to do the college cost synthesis essay
- 5 days left until the AP exam!
- Practice 15 minutes annotating/reading/planning
- Take stock
- Multiple choice practice

- Check MC Answers
- Turn in Late Work ASAP
- Check Edline

AP Lang Snack Sign-up (Forward this link to parents/guardians)!
http://tinyurl.com/jebe2fz ^
- Bring in snack item(s) by May 9 to Room 232
- AP Language & Composition Test (Wednesday, May 11 at 7:15am)
- Last names A-Mi report to Auditorium
- Last names Mj-Z report to Main Gym
- Must bring into testing room: pencils, pens, AP student packs, sweatshirt (layers)
- Cannot bring into testing room: backpacks or bags of any kid, electronic devices of any kind, books of any kind, computers/calculators of any kind, watches that beep or have an alarm, food/drink

5/3: Honors English 10

Students will analyze the Creature's progress by discussing his stages of development.

- Warm-up: Reading Quiz up to Ch. 12
- Stages of Development

- Read up through Ch. 14 (p. 108)
Continue working on bookmark, timeline, EQ boxes

5/2: AP Lang

Students will discover and discuss logical fallacies.

- See Mr. Arora if you still need to do the college cost synthesis essay
- 6 days left until the AP exam!
- Look up and discuss logical fallacies
- Make propaganda posters based on current events utilizing logical fallacies

- Turn in Late Work ASAP
- Check Edline

AP Lang Snack Sign-up (Forward this link to parents/guardians)!
http://tinyurl.com/jebe2fz ^
- Bring in snack item(s) by May 9 to Room 232
- AP Language & Composition Test (Wednesday, May 11 at 7:15am)
- Last names A-Mi report to Auditorium
- Last names Mj-Z report to Main Gym
- Must bring into testing room: pencils, pens, AP student packs, sweatshirt (layers)
- Cannot bring into testing room: backpacks or bags of any kid, electronic devices of any kind, books of any kind, computers/calculators of any kind, watches that beep or have an alarm, food/drink

5/2: Lit as Film

Students will describe and discuss how films create suspense.

- Watch the first 30 minutes of Captain Phillips (2013)
- Exit card:
- How do the filmmakers generate and sustain suspense?

- Check Edline!

5/2: Honors English 10

Students will develop an understanding of the novel by completing a timeline.

- Warm-up: Text @qo2018 to 810-10 (to join your class SGA communication)
- Check Bookmark & EQ Boxes
- Vocab Unit 5 (#5-8)
- Frankenstein Book Timeline

- Read up through Ch. 12 (p. 97)
- Continue working on bookmark, EQ boxes in reading guide
- Finish timeline (if necessary)
- Reading quiz tomorrow!