Students will discover film nuances via Every Frame a Painting
- Opportunities at Towson University
- Every Frame a Painting
- Notecards
- Film Review (late)
9/30: AP Lang
Students will develop a TEXXT argument essay.
- PSAT Money?
- PSAT Money?
- Google Classroom: pick one of the prompts to write about
- Ask for help as you go!
- Interims are coming!
- Interims are coming!
- Draft of full 5-paragraph essay due Tuesday
(the more you do over the weekend, the less you'll have to do next week!)
(the more you do over the weekend, the less you'll have to do next week!)
9/30: TV Production
Students will discover successful elements in their peers' pieces.
- Warm-up: Share your segment with Mr. Arora
- Opportunities at Towson University
- NYC Women & other diversity programs
- Segment Review (complete ASAP!)
- When done, explore Rocket Jump Film School
- Warm-up: Share your segment with Mr. Arora
- Opportunities at Towson University
- NYC Women & other diversity programs
- Segment Review (complete ASAP!)
- When done, explore Rocket Jump Film School
- The next video must be framed as a narrative
- Teams may be re-shuffled based on access to software
- Teams may be re-shuffled based on ideas/pitches
- None! Have a good weekend.
9/29: Lit as Film
Students will discuss the film and evaluate its effectiveness.
- Discussion Circle:
- Film Review (if you haven't finished already)
- What did you think of Chef overall?
- What are its strengths? Its weaknesses?
- Benefits or downsides?
- Film Review (if you haven't finished already)
9/29: AP Lang
Students will develop a TEXXT argument essay.
- PSAT Money?
- PSAT Money?
- Google Classroom: pick one of the prompts to write about
- Ask for help as you go!
- Interims are coming!
- Interims are coming!
- Work on 5-paragraph essay draft
9/29: TV Production
Students will justify a review of their first video project.
- Finished projects: re-watch, critically, with Arora
- Google Classroom: first segment review (interims are coming!)
- When done, explore Rocket Jump Film School
- Watch each group's video on Friday (send me your video!)
- For the next video, a narrative is required
- Team re-shuffling based on access to editing software
- First segment review
- Brainstorm next segment
- Finished projects: re-watch, critically, with Arora
- Google Classroom: first segment review (interims are coming!)
- When done, explore Rocket Jump Film School
- Watch each group's video on Friday (send me your video!)
- For the next video, a narrative is required
- Team re-shuffling based on access to editing software
- First segment review
- Brainstorm next segment
9/27: AP Lang
Students will define elements of a TEXXT argument.
- Grab your Chromebook. Then, on Google Classroom:
- Read the exemplar essay
- Describe each element of the exemplar on the outline (in your own words, in complete sentences -- do not copy and paste)
- Finish working on outline if need be
- Grab your Chromebook. Then, on Google Classroom:
- Read the exemplar essay
- Describe each element of the exemplar on the outline (in your own words, in complete sentences -- do not copy and paste)
- Finish working on outline if need be
9/27: Lit as Film
Students will justify their film review.
- Write film review on Google Classroom (it's okay to write spoilers!)
- The review is now due Thursday
- In-class discussion of the movie on Thursday
- Film Review
- Write film review on Google Classroom (it's okay to write spoilers!)
- The review is now due Thursday
- In-class discussion of the movie on Thursday
- Film Review
9/27: TV Production
Students will justify a review of their first video project.
- A note on Cougar TV Reflection Sheets
- Teams Check-in
- Finished projects: re-watch, critically, with Arora
- Google Classroom -- first segment review
- Be honest, be critical, seek improvement; learning supersedes grades
- Watch each group's video on Friday
- Continue working on first segment (if needed)
- Brainstorm next segment
- A note on Cougar TV Reflection Sheets
- Teams Check-in
- Finished projects: re-watch, critically, with Arora
- Google Classroom -- first segment review
- Be honest, be critical, seek improvement; learning supersedes grades
- Watch each group's video on Friday
- Continue working on first segment (if needed)
- Brainstorm next segment
9/26: Lit as Film
Students will write a film review.
- Write film review on Google Classroom (it's okay to write spoilers!)
- The review is due Wednesday
- In-class discussion of the movie on Wednesday
- Film Review
- Write film review on Google Classroom (it's okay to write spoilers!)
- The review is due Wednesday
- In-class discussion of the movie on Wednesday
- Film Review
9/26: AP Lang
Students will read and discuss prompts for a forthcoming argument essay.
- Note on Re-Assessments
- Review Argument TEXXT structure
- Where is the line between truth and fiction?
- Is it possible to start out poor in this country, work hard and become well off?
- Preview Argument essay
- Turn in Gatsby books
- Return papers
- Brainstorm Big Category examples
- Note on Re-Assessments
- Review Argument TEXXT structure
- Where is the line between truth and fiction?
- Is it possible to start out poor in this country, work hard and become well off?
- Preview Argument essay
- Turn in Gatsby books
- Return papers
- Brainstorm Big Category examples
9/26: TV Production
Students will write a review of their first video project.
- Teams Check-in
- Finished projects: re-watch with Arora
- Google Classroom -- first segment review
- Be honest, be critical, seek improvement
- Continue working on first segment (if needed)
- Brainstorm next segment
- Teams Check-in
- Finished projects: re-watch with Arora
- Google Classroom -- first segment review
- Be honest, be critical, seek improvement
- Continue working on first segment (if needed)
- Brainstorm next segment
9/23: Lit as Film
Students will compile specifics from the film to review it.
- Finish watching Chef (2014)
- Preview film review assignment
- None!
- Finish watching Chef (2014)
- Preview film review assignment
- None!
9/23: AP Lang
Students will discuss the implications of the novel in the real world.
- Grab your Chromebook
- Remind text me: if Gatsby could send one last Tweet, what would he say? Your text message should be no more than 140 characters and fit the style/content of Fitzgerald's writing.
- Read this Washington Post article on wealth inequality in America
- Discuss connections between currents issues and Gatsby
- Mr. Arora to return papers
- Read the New York Times article "Is it Possible to Start Out Poor in This Country, Work Hard and Become Well Off?" and the first few comments.
- Grab your Chromebook
- Remind text me: if Gatsby could send one last Tweet, what would he say? Your text message should be no more than 140 characters and fit the style/content of Fitzgerald's writing.
- Read this Washington Post article on wealth inequality in America
- Discuss connections between currents issues and Gatsby
- Mr. Arora to return papers
- Read the New York Times article "Is it Possible to Start Out Poor in This Country, Work Hard and Become Well Off?" and the first few comments.
9/23: TV Production
Students will develop/devise their segments by recording footage.
- Cougar TV Reflection
- Begin filming or continue filming; teams must have Mr. Arora's approval
- Re(set) due dates for projects
- Storyboards are due when the project is finished
- Cougar TV Reflection
- Begin filming or continue filming; teams must have Mr. Arora's approval
- Re(set) due dates for projects
- Storyboards are due when the project is finished
9/22: Lit as Film
Students will write notes based on the most pivotal scenes.
- Chef (2014)
- Think about the most significant scenes; jot down a few notes
- None!
- Chef (2014)
- Think about the most significant scenes; jot down a few notes
- None!
9/22: AP Lang
Students will demonstrate mastery of style analysis by responding to a Gatsby prompt.
- No Chromebooks -- take out notebook paper -- put away devices
- Pick one of the two provided passages (Ch. 7 or 8 -- NOT BOTH).
- Write one paragraph in response to the prompt:
- Catch up on any Classroom work by tomorrow
- Finish reading The Great Gatsby by tomorrow
- Turn in any re-assessment work by next Thursday, 9/29
- No Chromebooks -- take out notebook paper -- put away devices
- Pick one of the two provided passages (Ch. 7 or 8 -- NOT BOTH).
- Write one paragraph in response to the prompt:
- T (make sure you answer the question, hint: use the bold prompt to guide you)
- E (embed a quote that supports ^)
- X (identify deeper meanings/connotations of quote)
- X (how does the quote prove your claim? Connect back!)
- E (embed another quote that supports your first T sentence)
- X (identify deeper meanings/connotations of quote)
- X (how does the quote prove your claim? Connect back!)
- T (finish off with a concluding sentence that reiterates the main point)
- Catch up on any Classroom work by tomorrow
- Finish reading The Great Gatsby by tomorrow
- Turn in any re-assessment work by next Thursday, 9/29
9/22: TV Production
Students will develop/devise their segments by recording footage.
- Begin filming or continue filming; teams must have Mr. Arora's approval
- Storyboards are due when the project is finished
- Aim to finish projects by Friday
- Begin filming or continue filming; teams must have Mr. Arora's approval
- Storyboards are due when the project is finished
- Aim to finish projects by Friday
9/21: TV Production
Students will develop/devise their segments by recording footage.
- Begin filming or continue filming; teams must have Mr. Arora's approval
- Storyboards are due when the project is finished
- Aim to finish projects by Friday
- Begin filming or continue filming; teams must have Mr. Arora's approval
- Storyboards are due when the project is finished
- Aim to finish projects by Friday
9/21: Lit as Film
Students will identify elements of three act structure by watching a film
- Chef (2014)
- Exit card: what is setup during the setup (first 20-30 minutes of a film)?
- None!
- Chef (2014)
- Exit card: what is setup during the setup (first 20-30 minutes of a film)?
- None!
9/21: AP Lang
Students will prepare for tomorrow's summative by revising formatives.
- Grab your Chromebook
- What's the point of embedding?
- Revise and re-submit Two Houses in Gatsby
- Revise and re-submit Gatsby TEXXT paragraph (PPT for your reference)
- Preview tomorrow's summative in-class writing assignment
- Finish reading the book
- Finish any remaining work on Google Classroom
- Grab your Chromebook
- What's the point of embedding?
- Revise and re-submit Two Houses in Gatsby
- Revise and re-submit Gatsby TEXXT paragraph (PPT for your reference)
- Preview tomorrow's summative in-class writing assignment
- Finish reading the book
- Finish any remaining work on Google Classroom
9/20: AP Lang
Students will read and recognize the author's use of color for effects.
- Eliminating Blank Language
- Google Classroom: Gatsby Events by Color
- 8th Period reminder -- desks/chairs
- Finish Gatsby Events by Color (if needed)
- Re-submit returned work (if desired)
- Read the rest of Gatsby by Friday (only two chapters left!)
- Eliminating Blank Language
- Google Classroom: Gatsby Events by Color
- 8th Period reminder -- desks/chairs
- Finish Gatsby Events by Color (if needed)
- Re-submit returned work (if desired)
- Read the rest of Gatsby by Friday (only two chapters left!)
9/20: Lit as Film
Students will demonstrate mastery of course concepts.
- Warm-up: 5 minutes to study!
- Test: start on blue side of scantron, finish on green (25 total questions)
- Be respectful and quiet until everyone is done
- Start next film?
- None!
- Warm-up: 5 minutes to study!
- Test: start on blue side of scantron, finish on green (25 total questions)
- Be respectful and quiet until everyone is done
- Start next film?
- None!
9/20: TV Production
Students will create their segments by conferencing with their teams.
- Begin filming, continue planning, teams must have Mr. Arora's approval
- Finish Storyboards (if necessary)
- Begin (or continue) planning / recording / editing
- Finish projects by Friday
- Begin filming, continue planning, teams must have Mr. Arora's approval
- Finish Storyboards (if necessary)
- Begin (or continue) planning / recording / editing
- Finish projects by Friday
9/19: Lit as Film
Students will explain the hero's journey and apply it to Mud (2012).
- Hero's Journey via TED-Ed
- Three Act Structure: short video example, long video example
- Discuss: what is the hero's journey or 3 act structure? How does it work? Why is it important?
- Study for a unit test tomorrow
- Topics: film vocabulary, plot points from Mud (2012), Validation (2008), three act structure
- Hero's Journey via TED-Ed
- Three Act Structure: short video example, long video example
- Discuss: what is the hero's journey or 3 act structure? How does it work? Why is it important?
- Study for a unit test tomorrow
- Topics: film vocabulary, plot points from Mud (2012), Validation (2008), three act structure
9/19: TV Production
Students will develop their segments by conferencing with their teams.
- Production Teams
- Conferences
- Finish Storyboards
- Begin (or continue) planning / recording / editing
- Finish projects by Friday
- Production Teams
- Conferences
- Finish Storyboards
- Begin (or continue) planning / recording / editing
- Finish projects by Friday
9/19: AP Lang
Students will read and draw interpretations of Gatz/Gatsby.
- Chapter 6 Close Reading for Detail (on paper)
- Sign up for (information forthcoming -- check Remind!)
9/16: AP Lang
Students will read a passage from Gatsby and respond via outline.
- Warm-up: Grab a Chromebook
- Real talk -- the AP Lang standard
- Read the three Gatsby excerpts on Classroom
- Then, fill out an outline in response to one on Classroom
- The outline should have embedded quotations and complete sentences.
- Finish outline, if needed
- Read Gatsby up through Ch. 7, if needed
- Warm-up: Grab a Chromebook
- Real talk -- the AP Lang standard
- Read the three Gatsby excerpts on Classroom
- Then, fill out an outline in response to one on Classroom
- The outline should have embedded quotations and complete sentences.
- Finish outline, if needed
- Read Gatsby up through Ch. 7, if needed
9/16: Lit as Film
Students will define film vocabulary via notes.
- Film Notes Vocabulary
- Begin studying vocab; quiz next week!
- Film Notes Vocabulary
- Begin studying vocab; quiz next week!
9/16: TV Production
Students will develop a storyboard within their new production teams.
- New Seats
- Work on first segment pitch / outline
- Brainstormed list of segment ideas
- Continue brainstorming other ideas for content!
- New Seats
- Work on first segment pitch / outline
- Brainstormed list of segment ideas
- Continue brainstorming other ideas for content!
9/15: AP Lang
Students will read and review their TEXXT paragraphs by comparing them to the rubric.
- Warm-up: Grab your rubric and your passage analysis
- Grade yourself fairly and honestly based on the rubric
- Unsure? Ask your table peers, Mr. Arora
- Independent/silent reading time or catch-up work (Classroom, Reading Check)
- Read Gatsby up through Ch. 7
- Warm-up: Grab your rubric and your passage analysis
- Grade yourself fairly and honestly based on the rubric
- Unsure? Ask your table peers, Mr. Arora
- Independent/silent reading time or catch-up work (Classroom, Reading Check)
- Read Gatsby up through Ch. 7
9/15: TV Production
Students will define and justify their production roles.
- Recap Practical Assignment
- Production teams & job descriptions
- Pitches
- Loglines are important!
- Pass back papers
- None!
- Recap Practical Assignment
- Production teams & job descriptions
- Pitches
- Loglines are important!
- Pass back papers
- None!
9/14: AP Lang
Students will review plot details and diction to make assertions about the characters.
- Finish writing exercises via Gatsby Review Ch. 1-4 PPT
- Open Book Reading Check (if you didn't do it yet)- Independent/Silent Reading
- Open Book Reading Check (if you didn't do it yet)
- Read Gatsby Ch. 7
- Tell your parents about Back to School Night!
- Tell your parents about Back to School Night!
9/14: TV Production
Students will develop segment ideas for future productions.
- Share out remaining practicals
- Go over film terms quiz
- Brainstorm future Cougar TV segments
- Pass back papers
- Production teams
- (Late) practical assignments
- Tell your parents about Back to School Night!
- Share out remaining practicals
- Go over film terms quiz
- Brainstorm future Cougar TV segments
- Pass back papers
- Production teams
- (Late) practical assignments
- Tell your parents about Back to School Night!
9/14: Lit as Film
Students will discuss the film and give examples to support their reasoning(s).
- Discussion!
1. Who is the protagonist of the film: Ellis or Mud?
2. There are several helpers in the movie. Who is most helpful?
3. Who is the most compassionate character throughout the piece?
4. What was the best aspect of the feature? Why?
5. What was the least successful portion of the movie? Why?
6. What are the characters' perspectives on love and marriage? Why?
+ Any other noteworthy elements are free game.
- Turn in discussion notes
- Tell your parents about Back to School Night!
- Discussion!
1. Who is the protagonist of the film: Ellis or Mud?
2. There are several helpers in the movie. Who is most helpful?
3. Who is the most compassionate character throughout the piece?
4. What was the best aspect of the feature? Why?
5. What was the least successful portion of the movie? Why?
6. What are the characters' perspectives on love and marriage? Why?
+ Any other noteworthy elements are free game.
- Turn in discussion notes
- Tell your parents about Back to School Night!
9/13: AP Lang
Students will review plot details and diction to make assertions about the characters.
- Open Book Reading Check Ch. 1-5- Pass back papers
- Open Book Reading Check (if you didn't get to it during class)
- Read Gatsby Ch. 6 (requires MCPS login)
9/13: Lit as Film
Students will read the screenplay and write down notes for discussion.
- Finish watching Mud (2012)
- Read the screenplay
- Pass back papers
- Discussion questions for tomorrow (start compiling evidence):
1. Who is the protagonist of the film: Ellis or Mud?
2. There are several helpers in the movie. Who is most helpful?
3. Who is the most compassionate character throughout the piece?
4. What was the best aspect of the feature? Why?
5. What was the least successful portion of the movie? Why?
6. What are the characters' perspectives on love and marriage? Why?
+ Any other noteworthy elements are free game.
- Check Edline; Read the screenplay (if you want!)
- Finish watching Mud (2012)
- Read the screenplay
- Pass back papers
- Discussion questions for tomorrow (start compiling evidence):
1. Who is the protagonist of the film: Ellis or Mud?
2. There are several helpers in the movie. Who is most helpful?
3. Who is the most compassionate character throughout the piece?
4. What was the best aspect of the feature? Why?
5. What was the least successful portion of the movie? Why?
6. What are the characters' perspectives on love and marriage? Why?
+ Any other noteworthy elements are free game.
- Check Edline; Read the screenplay (if you want!)
9/13: TV Production
Students will explain their practical assignments and review last week's quiz.
- Share out remaining practicals
- Go over quiz
- Pass back papers
- Brainstorm future Cougar TV segments
- (Late) practical assignments
- Share out remaining practicals
- Go over quiz
- Pass back papers
- Brainstorm future Cougar TV segments
- (Late) practical assignments
9/9: AP Lang
Students will discuss the nature/practicality of telling the truth versus lying.
- Warm-up: Grab your Chromebook and sort Gatsby fact/fiction
- Anticipation questions
- Article: Where is the Line Between Truth and Fiction?
- Exit card: write a thesis
- Read Gatsby up through Ch. 5
- Finish any classwork you may have missed this week
- Warm-up: Grab your Chromebook and sort Gatsby fact/fiction
- Anticipation questions
- Article: Where is the Line Between Truth and Fiction?
- Exit card: write a thesis
- Read Gatsby up through Ch. 5
- Finish any classwork you may have missed this week
9/9: Lit as Film
Students will write down notes on discussion questions.
- Continue watching Mud (2012)
- Discussion questions for next week (start compiling evidence):
- Who is the protagonist of the film: Ellis or Mud?
- There are several helpers in the movie. Who is most helpful?
- Who is the most compassionate character throughout the piece?
- What was the best aspect of the feature? Why?
- What was the least successful portion of the movie? Why?
- Any other noteworthy elements are free game.
+ What are the characters' perspectives on love and marriage? Why?
- Check Edline over the weekend
- Continue watching Mud (2012)
- Discussion questions for next week (start compiling evidence):
- Who is the protagonist of the film: Ellis or Mud?
- There are several helpers in the movie. Who is most helpful?
- Who is the most compassionate character throughout the piece?
- What was the best aspect of the feature? Why?
- What was the least successful portion of the movie? Why?
- Any other noteworthy elements are free game.
+ What are the characters' perspectives on love and marriage? Why?
- Check Edline over the weekend
9/9: TV Production
Students will demonstrate their comprehension of film terms.
- Cougar TV
- Film Terms Quiz
- Turn in Practical Assignment on Google Classroom
- Finish Practical Assignment (if still needed)
- Cougar TV
- Film Terms Quiz
- Turn in Practical Assignment on Google Classroom
- Finish Practical Assignment (if still needed)
9/8: AP Lang
Students will select specific diction from the text which describes Gatsby's parties
- Review characterization from Ch. 2 (you do not have to answer these ?s)
- The diction of Gatsby's glamorous parties (Ch. 3)
- Finish any work on Google Classroom that remains unfinished
- Read up through Gatsby Ch. 5 (that's it for this week!)
- Review characterization from Ch. 2 (you do not have to answer these ?s)
- The diction of Gatsby's glamorous parties (Ch. 3)
- Finish any work on Google Classroom that remains unfinished
- Read up through Gatsby Ch. 5 (that's it for this week!)
9/8: Lit as Film
Students will compile notes on discussion questions.
- Mud (2012)
- Discussion questions for next week (start compiling evidence):
- Who is the protagonist of the film: Ellis or Mud?
- There are several helpers in the movie. Who is most helpful?
- Who is the most compassionate character throughout the piece?
- What was the best aspect of the feature? Why?
- What was the least successful portion of the movie? Why?
- Any other noteworthy elements are free game.
- Late Posters / Validation Worksheets
- Mud (2012)
- Discussion questions for next week (start compiling evidence):
- Who is the protagonist of the film: Ellis or Mud?
- There are several helpers in the movie. Who is most helpful?
- Who is the most compassionate character throughout the piece?
- What was the best aspect of the feature? Why?
- What was the least successful portion of the movie? Why?
- Any other noteworthy elements are free game.
- Late Posters / Validation Worksheets
9/8: TV Production
Students will select specific shots, sequences, and frames to propel a narrative.
- New Chromebook Assignments!
- Continue working on Practical Assignment
- Feel free to use this storyboard before shooting raw footage
- Think in terms of shots!
- Make sure you submit to Google Classroom
- Indicate 10 terms you used (whether via in-video captions, or as a separate list)
- The final product can be one video streamlined together OR
- A video with 10 distinct shots that continue the narrative
- Practical Assignment due tomorrow
- Quiz on Film Terms tomorrow after Cougar TV
- New Chromebook Assignments!
- Continue working on Practical Assignment
- Feel free to use this storyboard before shooting raw footage
- Think in terms of shots!
- Make sure you submit to Google Classroom
- Indicate 10 terms you used (whether via in-video captions, or as a separate list)
- The final product can be one video streamlined together OR
- A video with 10 distinct shots that continue the narrative
- Practical Assignment due tomorrow
- Quiz on Film Terms tomorrow after Cougar TV
9/7: Lit as Film
Students will predict what happens next in the film.
- Last call for Posters
- Last call for Validation Worksheets
- Mud (2012)
- Note card prediction: what will happen next and why?
- Late Posters / Validation Worksheets
- Last call for Posters
- Last call for Validation Worksheets
- Mud (2012)
- Note card prediction: what will happen next and why?
- Late Posters / Validation Worksheets
9/7: AP Lang
Students will identify the effects of literary devices which create a depressing mood in Ch. 2
- New Chromebook Assignments!

- Table Groups: The Valley of Ashes WS on Google Classroom
- Read Gatsby Ch. 4
- New Chromebook Assignments!
- Table Groups: The Valley of Ashes WS on Google Classroom
- Read Gatsby Ch. 4
9/7: TV Production
Students will discover how shot sequencing and framing can produce a narrative.
- New Chromebook Assignments!
- Continue working on Practical Assignment
- You may want to use a graphic organizer or storyboard before shooting raw footage
- Think in terms of shots!
- Practical Assignment due Friday
- Quiz on Film Terms on Friday
- New Chromebook Assignments!
- Continue working on Practical Assignment
- You may want to use a graphic organizer or storyboard before shooting raw footage
- Think in terms of shots!
- Practical Assignment due Friday
- Quiz on Film Terms on Friday
9/6: Lit as Film
Students will describe their lives as movies/TV shows.
- New Seating Chart
- Recap Friday's class
- Share remaining posters
- Validation short film and worksheet
- None!
- New Seating Chart
- Recap Friday's class
- Share remaining posters
- Validation short film and worksheet
- None!
9/6: AP Lang
Students will compare West Egg and East Egg and state how they relate to the characters
- New Seating Chart
- Clip from The Great Gatsby (2013)
- Two Houses: Alike in Dignity?
- Annotate with comments
- Highlight colorful language
- Note any other patterns, subtext, connotations
- Answer questions in complete sentences on Google Classroom
- Read Gatsby Ch. 3
- New Seating Chart
- Clip from The Great Gatsby (2013)
- Two Houses: Alike in Dignity?
- Annotate with comments
- Highlight colorful language
- Note any other patterns, subtext, connotations
- Answer questions in complete sentences on Google Classroom
- Read Gatsby Ch. 3
9/6: TV Production
Students will demonstrate their knowledge of course concepts by creating a narrative PPT.
- Recap Friday's class
- Google Classroom: Practical
- Video Critiques
- Practical Assignment due Friday
- Quiz on Film Terms on Friday
- Recap Friday's class
- Google Classroom: Practical
- Video Critiques
- Practical Assignment due Friday
- Quiz on Film Terms on Friday
9/2: All
Mr. Arora is out sick today. Please behave appropriately and follow the substitute teacher's directions for your class.
Note: Students are not permitted to use Chromebooks today. Students may use cellphones/personal devices IF it is for class material and usage only.
Note: Students are not permitted to use Chromebooks today. Students may use cellphones/personal devices IF it is for class material and usage only.
9/1: Lit as Film
Students will identify the elements associated with movie posters.
- Turn in Signed Syllabi
- Sign up for Remind, Turnitin, Google Classroom
- Present posters
- Work on (late) posters
- Expectations for Tomorrow
- My Life as a Movie / TV Show (late)
- Obtain parent signature on syllabus (late)
- Turn in Signed Syllabi
- Sign up for Remind, Turnitin, Google Classroom
- Present posters
- Work on (late) posters
- Expectations for Tomorrow
- My Life as a Movie / TV Show (late)
- Obtain parent signature on syllabus (late)
9/1: AP Lang
Students will discuss the subtle arguments Fitzgerald makes in Chapter 1.
- Details and Diction
- Popcorn read this article from The Atlantic
- Discuss: Tom´s fear, its origins, and its implications on his character
- One paragraph response on Google Classroom: Why do you think Fitzgerald mentions ¨Rise of the Colored Empires" in the first chapter? What argument is he making? What´s the social commentary? Use details from the text.
- Expectations for Tomorrow
- Read Gatsby Ch. 1-2
- Have you turned in the following? Syllabus, Webquest, Summer Reading
- Details and Diction
- Popcorn read this article from The Atlantic
- Discuss: Tom´s fear, its origins, and its implications on his character
- One paragraph response on Google Classroom: Why do you think Fitzgerald mentions ¨Rise of the Colored Empires" in the first chapter? What argument is he making? What´s the social commentary? Use details from the text.
- Expectations for Tomorrow
- Read Gatsby Ch. 1-2
- Have you turned in the following? Syllabus, Webquest, Summer Reading
9/1: TV Production
Students will discover film vocabulary and its uses in context.
- Turn in parent signature on syllabus and TV contract
- Webquest due (if not already turned in)
- Film Vocabulary (quiz next week and practical assignment to follow)
- Expectations for Tomorrow
- Study Film Vocabulary
- Have you turned in the following? Syllabus, TV Contract, Webquest
- Turn in parent signature on syllabus and TV contract
- Webquest due (if not already turned in)
- Film Vocabulary (quiz next week and practical assignment to follow)
- Expectations for Tomorrow
- Study Film Vocabulary
- Have you turned in the following? Syllabus, TV Contract, Webquest
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