4/30-5/2: AP Lang

Students will review course content before the AP Test.

- RA #1 (late)
- RA #2 (due tonight)

When done with RA:
- Albert.io Test Prep (MC by Williams)
- Albert.io Test Prep (MC by Esolen)
- Albert.io Full Practice Test 

Prep!  I'll push out lots of materials to Classroom via Albert.io
11 Days left before the AP Exam!
Sign up to Bring in AP Lang Snacks

4/29: AP Lang

Students will review course content before the AP Test.

Rhetorical Analysis #1

12 days left before the AP Lang Exam!

- RA #1 due/DL tonight

4/29-4/30: Lit as Film

Students will demonstrate mastery of course concepts by completing and/or presenting a creative project.

- Professional development
- Final project presentations

- Finish projects

4/29-5/3: TV Production

Students will develop materials for school-wide media outlets.

- Check Google Classroom!


4/23-4/26: AP Lang

Students will review course content before the AP Test.

- Finish Symposium Presentations

Countdown to the AP Lang Test:
4/23 = 16 classes left
4/24 = 15 classes left
4/25 = 14 classes left
4/26 = 13 classes left

- Read the Rhetorical Analysis #1 letters

4/23-4/26: Lit as Film

Students will prepare and produce a final project / professional development.

- Prof. Development Time
- Groups!
- Initial conferences with Arora

  • Final Project Pitch (4/23-4/26):
  • This week, decide on who you’re working with and what you’re working on
  • What creative idea inspires you?
  • How will you divide the work?
  • Who has which resources/skills?

4/23-4/26: TV Production

Students will develop materials for school-wide media outlets.

- Guest speakers assignment (late)
- Podcast pitch (new!)


4/17-4/22: All

Image result for spring

4/15-4/16: AP Lang

Students will compare arguments and rhetoric

- Google Classroom: Presentations post-spring break
- Create a reading schedule with your group
- AP Test on May 15

- Read books
- Finalize presentations
- Late work on Google Classroom

4/15-4/16: Lit as Film

Students will classify TV story beats.

- R&M Pilot
- Guest speakers Tuesday!

- Late work only

4/15-4/16: TV Production

Students will develop materials for school-wide media outlets.

- Assignment - Guest speakers Tuesday!

4/12: Lit as Film

Students will watch a classic film and create an argument about it.

In-class discussion OR complete the alternative assignment

Movie-based assignment:
Casablanca is considered one of the best American movies ever made. 
Do you agree or disagree?
How do we define or re-define love?
Should Casablanca be mandatory viewing?
What arguments are made in the film (political + social)?
How does Casablanca mirror real-life events in the 40s?
Anything else - cinematography, acting, storytelling, lighting

- Late work only

4/12: AP Lang

Students will demonstrate mastery of historical context for their chosen text.

- Rhetorical Analysis on SUBJECT OF STUDY
- SOAPStone on BOOK

- RA & SOAPStone, Due: 4/11 DL: 4/12

4/8-4/11: AP Lang

Students will demonstrate mastery of historical context for their chosen text.

If behind:
- Historical Context (past due)
- Room 234 (optional): Abdullah, Alex, Justin
Hanna, Mack, Scott, Arianna, Ryan, JR

Caught up:
- Rhetorical Analysis on SUBJECT OF STUDY
- SOAPStone on BOOK

- RA & SOAPStone, Due: 4/11 DL: 4/12

- Argument about BOOK
- Group Presentation about BOOK

4/8-4/12: TV Production

Students will develop materials for school-wide media outlets.


4/8-4/11: Lit as Film

Students will watch a classic film and create an argument about it.

- Casablanca (1942): 8.5 on IMDb
- Wikipedia link
- Screenplay

Movie-based assignment:
Casablanca is considered one of the best American movies ever made. 
Do you agree or disagree?
Debate in-class on Friday OR complete an alternative assignment.

- Take notes on Casablanca (all)

- Arrested Development (Late DL 4/12)
3) Ralion, Andrea, Leslie, Fredo, Iverson, Kyndahl, Zach
4) Michael, Marquez, Stirling, Sammy, Exo, Jack L, Jakob, Drew

- Script Formatting (Late DL 4/12)
3) Ralion, Andrea, Tyler, Essence, Leslie, Fredo, Mica, Kylie, Zach
4) Marquez, Janea, Sammy, Exo, Jack L, Connor, Danny, Jakob, Sam, Estelle

4/5: TV Production

Students will develop materials for school-wide media outlets.

- Skills Check-In on Classroom


4/2-4/5: Lit as Film

Students will classify story beats of a TV series.

- Watch the pilot episode of Arrested Development
- On Classroom, complete the TV show chart (Q4 grade)
- On Classroom, complete the screenwriting activity (Q4 grade)

- Finish the TV show chart (due: 4/5, DL: 4/12)
- Introduction to Script Formatting/Screenwriting (due: 4/5, DL: 4/12)

4/1-4/5: AP Lang

Students will discover historical context for their Lit Circle Book choice

- Historical Context Synthesis Page on Classroom
- Q3 Wrap-up; Q4 start
- Pass out books

- Check grades, Arora finishing up

3/25-4/4: TV Production

Students will develop materials for school-wide media outlets.

- Last call for Mental Health Awareness Videos
TV1: Damian, Alec, Luke, Noah, Brandon, Bailey, Aaron, Alex, Drew
TV2: Catalina, Sadie, Zoë
